Risks in the 21st Century
Description : The nature of risk has changed over the last decade. We are now talking about terrorism and climate change impacting our environment. These changes impact the response of emergency mangers. This presentation will talk about the nature of these risks in regard to the public sector.
Presented by Judson Freed, Director, Ramsey County Emergency Management and Homeland Security
Judd Freed is has more than 25 years experience in Emergency Management, Homeland Security, community risk, resilience and operational continuity, and research protection in the academic, private, and public sectors. He has created and expanded innovative and successful Emergency Management programs at the University of Minnesota - where he served as Director - and as a private consultant. For the past decade, he has served (and continues to serve) as Director of Emergency Management and Homeland Security for Ramsey County. He is the current International Association of Emergency Managers USA Region 5 President.
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