Crises almost always create bad news. And bad news ripens badly. Crises also create victims whose irrationally energized emotional behavior can drive even the most uncomplicated problems, and experienced responders, to distraction and discouragement. Crises disable management and confound the most well practiced response strategies.
Jim Lukaszewski is an expert's expert in dealing with these tough, touchy, super sensitive, reputation threatening circumstances. He'll talk about the five crucial elements most response plans avoid, ignore, or simply lack. He'll describe the seven crucial mistakes that turn a potentially perfect response into persistent, long-term, bad news.
His premise is that a crisis is a people-stopping, show-stopping, product-stopping, reputation defining, trust busting event that creates victims and/or explosive visibility. The operative word being victims.
In addition to sharing his strategic approaches to dealing with these extraordinarily negative events, Lukaszewski will talk about getting management’s attention before the crisis hits. He will talk about the crucial role communications plays in protecting, defending, and rehabilitating reputation.

Jim Lukaszewski is one of America’s most visible corporate go-to people for senior executives when there is trouble in the room or on the horizon. He is known for his ability to help executives look at problems from a variety of sensible, constructive and principled perspectives. He has spent his career counseling leaders who face challenging situations that often involve conflict, controversy, community action or activist opposition. He is known for teaching clients to take highly focused, ethically appropriate action.
Jim has helped leaders in organizations large and small in literally every standard industrial classification (SIC), for-profits, non-profits, government, military, private and public organizations. He is frequently retained by senior management to directly intervene and manage the resolution of corporate problems and bad news, while providing personal coaching and executive recovery advice for executives facing career-defining problems and succession.